How to Make a Pizza Dough

How a pizza tastes mainly depends on three factors: the dough, the cheese and the variety of toppings used. Today, we will spill the beans on how we, Forli Italian Restaurant, create the perfect pizza dough. We're going on a delicious adventure to create the perfect pizza dough which you can try at home. We're going on a delicious adventure to create a pizza restaurant level perfect pizza dough which you can try at home.

First gather up the following ingredients to get started.


  • 2 and ¼ teaspoon active dry yeast 

  • 1 and ⅓ cup of warm water 

  • 1 teaspoon sugar 

  • 3 cup all purpose flour 

  • 1 and ¼ teaspoon salt 

  • 2 tablespoon olive oil

Step by Step Process

Now that you have collected the ingredients, let’s make the most amazing pizza dough.

Step 1: Activate the Yeast

In a small bowl, add the sugar and warm water. Give it a gentle stir and then add the dry yeast over it. Stir the combination again and leave it for 5 minutes. If it gets foamy and bubbly, it is a good sign that the yeast is working.

Step 2: Mixing the dough

In a large mixing bowl, add the flour and salt. Create well in the middle to pour the yeast mixture and olive oil into it. Mix them together using a spool to get small doughs.

Step 3: Knead

Lightly flour a clean flat surface and transfer the mixture on top of it. Knead the dough for 5 - 10 minutes until it becomes smooth. It should be smooth enough that when you poke it with your finger, it should bounce back and try to retain its shape.

Step 4: Time to Rise

After the dough is properly kneaded, place it in a greased bowl and cover it with a plastic wrap. Leave it for 2 hours in a warm place for it to rise. It should increase to about double its initial size. You can work on the toppings through this time.

Step 5: Punch

After the dough has risen, gently punch it to release any air bubbles. Now, your pizza dough is ready.

Bonus Dough Tips

  1. Use lukewarm water with the yeast. If the water is too hot, it will kill the yeast's features. If it is too cold, the yeast won’t wake up. 

  2. Tightly wrap the plastic before leaving the dough to rise.


Certainly, a homemade pizza will not be exactly the same as one from a restaurant with a professional chef. But, we assure you this is the closest pizza dough can get to it. Enjoy using this pizza dough recipe at your home. Unleash your creativity through a variety of pizza toppings and cheese combinations. 

If you’re not someone who enjoys cooking but still wants an authentic Italian pizza experience in Sydney, visit Forli Italian Restaurant. We are located on the historical Darling Street in Balmain.


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